Wednesday 1 November 2017

31 Day Challenge - COMPLETE

Yesterday was the end of my personal 31 day blogging challenge. For 31 days I posted at least one thing on the blog. I had one day of technical snafu (I went to Montreal and didn't have a chance to post because it was go go go) but posted as soon as I could.

This blog has been sorely neglected the past few years - I mean life has been busy the last 2 years alone what with job changes, 2 big moves, getting married, two deaths in the family, and just day to day crazyness. Often I just didn`t feel like sitting at the computer and typing. So I set out for a month to try and post something everyday - like a jump start - to the blog.  I gotta say, it worked and I feel pretty good about it.

Where I succeeded was getting back the drive to post. I posted at least once for every day. I even got back to restaurant reviews (something not done for years). I tweaked The Score a bit too to make my reviews even more scientific (ok not that much). What really helped was using my instagram schedule as a framework:
  • Meme Mondays
  • Wing Wednesdays
  • Throwback Thursdays
  • Fryday Fridays
  • Non Wing Sundays
Tuesday and Saturday were just regular wing posts. This made things easy to plan and post. Sometimes it made things too easy and maybe a little lazy, but that`s how it goes.

As for where I didn't succeed, is that I was hoping to get a lot more reviews done. I have a big backlog I want to get to, and I didn't find the time to do so. A big part of that too is writing. For a long time now I just seem to detest sitting down and writing on the computer. I feel almost foggy when I do it and don't want to spend any time editing. Even writing this post I procrastinated and procrastinated. I don't know why that is but its something to reflect on.

So what does this mean for the blog? Well I don't think daily posts is sustainable for the long run, but I've broken my block of getting back out there. I'm going to write more, but if there isn't a post everyday, that's ok. I want the blog to be fun to write for, not stress about.

If you are reading this, thank again for coming on my wing journey with me, I appreciate it.


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